Daily English-Speaking Sentences in Office

Business English is definitely going to help you in your English conversation especially if you are an employee and you want to have a conversation in the office.
You can find a list of 101 daily English-speaking sentences in the office below and they will be able to help you in improving your English as effectively as possible. You can learn them in different situations and you can also use miscellaneous sentences to master them all to make your English even better. You can use these 101 daily English-speaking sentences in your English speaking practice daily.
Sentences for introducing in Office
1. I want to introduce John who is our new team member.
2. Please join me in welcoming John to the team.
3. You may have already known John who is going to lead this presentation.
4. Let’s welcome this new member to the team.
5. Let’s give a warm welcome to all freshers.
Sentences for welcoming and introducing meeting participants
6. Good morning, everyone!
7. Let’s get started for today’s meeting.
8. I welcome you all to today’s meeting.
9. I’m delighted to have you all here.
10. I’d like to begin by introducing our guest speaker, John.
11. Before we dive in, we should all introduce ourselves.
12. Thank you all for joining this meeting.
13. We have a full agenda ahead.
Sentences for meeting goals
14. We have to discuss our quarterly performance.
15. Our purpose is to finalize the budget for every department.
16. We need to have a consensus regarding the project.
17. We have to form a new strategy to complete this project successfully.
18. We aim to address any concerns for our clients.
Sentences for meeting agenda
19. I’ll start by going over the agenda for today.
20. Our agenda for today is regarding updates on ongoing projects.
21. We have several items on the agenda that require our attention.
22. Now, we’ll move on to the first item on the agenda.
23. We have to give 15 minutes to each agenda item.
Sentences for updates
24. Let me give you some quick team updates.
25. Can you provide us with an update on this project?
26. I’m pleased to share some positive updates from our client.
27. Now, John is going to give us some latest departmental updates.
28. Please give us updates in short.
Sentences for request
29. I’d like to request feedback on the new policy of the company.
30. I request everyone’s cooperation to meet the deadlines.
31. I want to request everyone to stay focused on the project in hand.
32. Could I request John to provide more details on the project?
Sentences for meeting conclusion
33. We should review the action items before we conclude.
34. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions.
35. Our next meeting is scheduled for day after tomorrow.
36. I thank everyone for their time.
Miscellaneous sentences for business English
37. Your dedication and hard work are deeply recognized.
38. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
39. We’re celebrating a significant milestone in this company.
40. Please ensure that all team members are briefed on this.
41. The deal with the new company is a win-win situation for us.
42. Let’s start with a new update this week.
43. We all would like to share some positive feedback received from the new client.
44. Let’s open the floor for everyone to give their opinion.
45. Our team has achieved a lot this year.
46. The company is expected to grow at a faster level in the next five years.
47. Since we have already discussed this project, we need to move on to the next one.
48. We will have to move the discussion forward by addressing some other key points.
49. We have a lot to cover in this particular meeting.
50. We need to redirect the conversation back to the first topic we were talking about.
51. Let’s hear it from the new member of our team.
52. I would like to hand it over to Mr. John.
53. Please guide us through the new process.
54. I appreciate the enthusiasm of all team members.
55. We have to respect everyone’s time meant for this particular project.
56. We need to get down to the bottom line to understand the facts.
57. As an experienced team member, you need to give us the big picture to make everything clear.
58. In a nutshell, this particular step is not enough to achieve the purpose of the project.
59. We need to go back to square one if we want to successfully complete this project.
60. Are we all on the same page regarding this issue?
61. Let’s schedule a meeting next week.
62. We need to have some great team players to work on upcoming projects.
63. If you want to make changes, it can’t happen at the eleventh hour.
64. To make everything clear, I need to start from scratch.
65. We need to have set deadlines for all projects in hand.
66. If you want to meet the deadline of this particular project, you’ll have to work one hour extra every day.
67. Are we behind schedule for this project?
68. If we can’t complete it ahead of schedule, we have to try to complete it as soon as possible.
69. All clients have great expectations from us.
70. Clients want something special from this project.
71. This project needs some careful thought as it has some complications.
72. Team members need to be careful while taking any step to complete it.
73. If you are one of the professionals in this team, you need to know the details.
74. The seniors should guide the juniors politely and in detail.
75. Have all employees had their lunch?
76. Are all employees going on a trip?
77. The company has given some great incentives to those who performed really well last year.
78. The company has announced rewards for the top three employees of the year.
79. The company is in talks with a client regarding providing management services.
80. Does that new member irritate you?
81. Has this employee joined recently?
82. What makes a good environment in an office?
83. How can we take the business ahead?
84. We should all be together to give efficiency to the work.
85. Do we have cooperation in working?
86. What can be done to resolve the conflict among employees?
87. What did the boss say yesterday?
88. Did he point out some mistakes of team members?
89. We can all handle deadline pressure easily if we are together.
90. We have some best team members to give guidance to the juniors.
91. The freshers have started performing well this week.
92. We should follow these steps in every project.
93. We have to be punctual every time.
94. Please don’t do this, John.
95. We should stop ourselves from making such silly mistakes.
96. We have to be active during ongoing projects.
97. Who’s maintaining the sheets of the project?
98. Are we all going together on this matter?
99. Do we have enough time to complete this work?
100. How can we finish it as soon as possible?
101. Do we have to reply to this new client?
All 101 daily English-speaking sentences in the office given above are definitely going to be crucial for English in the office and if you can practice them regularly, you will be able to feel more confident in your English.
Use the sentences as per the situation and you will be able to boost your confidence level. You can use them in your daily English speaking practice daily. The sentences given above will not only help you to use them as per the requirement in various given situations but you will also be able to improve your vocabulary as some of them have got fixed terms to use.